Inconsistencies between Landlock and non-landlock mode #19

2021-10-26 22:28:47 +02:00 avasi crtxcr · 0 kommenttia

Code written under the assumption breaks when compiled on landlock-enabled systems.

qssb_append_path_policy(policy, QSSB_FS_ALLOW_READ | QSSB_FS_ALLOW_WRITE)

generall assumes natural behaviour, such as delete being allowed, or the creation of sockets etc.

On landlock, this behaviour changes.

So, we may need to simply implicitly add the necessary flags.

Code written under the assumption breaks when compiled on landlock-enabled systems. qssb_append_path_policy(policy, QSSB_FS_ALLOW_READ | QSSB_FS_ALLOW_WRITE) generall assumes natural behaviour, such as delete being allowed, or the creation of sockets etc. On landlock, this behaviour changes. So, we may need to simply implicitly add the necessary flags.
crtxcr added the
label 2021-10-26 22:28:47 +02:00
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Reference: crtxcr/exile.h#19
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