Missing fork() handling and pitfalls #10
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Scrios Brainse "%!s()"
Tá brainse a scriosadh buan. Cé go bhféadfadh an brainse scriosta leanúint ar aghaidh ag bheith ann ar feadh tréimhse ghearr sula mbaintear í i ndáiríre, NÍ FÉIDIR é a dhíchur i bhformhór Lean ar aghaidh?
We don't do fork()/clone() ourselves, opening the door for many pitfalls, e. g. we inherit open file descriptories which may enable bypassing of the policies we set. Otoh, some open fd's may actually be desired.
We must either offer a safe fork()/clone() or check that the current process is in a reasonable state and/or transform to that state.