GUI: Allow adding existing .desktop files #6

öppnade 2020-08-24 10:25:29 +02:00 av crtxcr · 0 kommentarer

Allow adding existing desktop files on the system to the "startpage".

Possible approaches

  1. Add a "plus button" somewhere on the "startpage", then show a list etc.
  2. Just integrate it in the search page. Pressing, e. g. alt + the push button of an application would add it to the "startpage".
Allow adding existing desktop files on the system to the "startpage". **Possible approaches** 1. Add a "plus button" somewhere on the "startpage", then show a list etc. 2. Just integrate it in the search page. Pressing, e. g. alt + the push button of an application would add it to the "startpage".
crtxcr lade till denna till milstolpe GUI only config 2020-08-24 10:25:29 +02:00
crtxcr lade till ett nytt beroende 2020-08-24 10:25:42 +02:00
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Reference: crtxcr/qsrun#6
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