Intelligent & Manual icon selection #32

открыта 2020-11-24 11:49:54 +01:00 crtxcr · комментариев: 0
crtxcr прокомментировал(а) 2020-11-24 11:49:54 +01:00

We select the largest, this usually goes well, but some are extremely large, taking too much space.

  1. Allow the user to specifify icon size per entry

  2. Intelligent selection
    Select a reasonable size, not too small not too large...

We select the largest, this usually goes well, but some are extremely large, taking too much space. 1) Allow the user to specifify icon size per entry 2) Intelligent selection Select a reasonable size, not too small not too large...
crtxcr добавил(а) метку
2020-11-24 11:49:54 +01:00
crtxcr упомянул эту задачу в коммите 2021-03-19 12:01:05 +01:00
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Ссылка: crtxcr/qsrun#32
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