Intelligent & Manual icon selection #32
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Tagairt in Eagrán Nua
Cuir bac ar úsáideoir
Níl aon tuairisc ar fáil.
Scrios Brainse "%!s()"
Tá brainse a scriosadh buan. Cé go bhféadfadh an brainse scriosta leanúint ar aghaidh ag bheith ann ar feadh tréimhse ghearr sula mbaintear í i ndáiríre, NÍ FÉIDIR é a dhíchur i bhformhór Lean ar aghaidh?
We select the largest, this usually goes well, but some are extremely large, taking too much space.
Allow the user to specifify icon size per entry
Intelligent selection
Select a reasonable size, not too small not too large...