Albert S 414d53e59a shared: create.sql: Fix format
The qt sqlite3 driver only accepts a single statement
per exec().

We can't split by ; due to the trigger statements.

Thus, the pragmatic and dirty solution is to simply
put a query per line.
2021-06-12 17:29:13 +02:00

7 línte
853 B

CREATE TABLE file(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, path varchar(4096) UNIQUE, mtime integer, size integer, filetype char(1));
CREATE TABLE content(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, fileid INTEGER REFERENCES file (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, page integer, content text);
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE content_fts USING fts5(content, content='content', content_rowid='id');
CREATE TRIGGER contents_ai AFTER INSERT ON content BEGIN INSERT INTO content_fts(rowid, content) VALUES (new.id, new.content); END;
CREATE TRIGGER contents_ad AFTER DELETE ON content BEGIN INSERT INTO content_fts(content_fts, rowid, content) VALUES('delete', old.id, old.content); END;
CREATE TRIGGER contents_au AFTER UPDATE ON content BEGIN INSERT INTO content_fts(content_fts, rowid, content) VALUES('delete', old.id, old.content); INSERT INTO content_fts(rowid, content) VALUES (new.id, new.content); END;