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# looqs - Looks for files. And looks inside them
looqs creates a full text search for your files. It allows you to look at previews where your
search terms have been found.
Currently, this allows you search all indexed pdfs and take a look at the pages side by side in an instant.
## Screenshots
Coming soon™
## Goals and principles
* **Find & Preview**. Instead of merely telling you where your search phrase has been found, it should also render the corresponding portion/pages of the documents and highlight the searched words.
* **No daemons**. As other solutions are prone to have annoying daemons running that eat system resources away, this solution should make do without daemons if possible.
* **Easy setup**. Similiarly, there should be no need for heavy-weight databases. Instead, this solution tries to squeeze out the most from simple approaches. In particular, it relies on sqlite.
* **GUI & CLI**. Provide CLI interfaces and GUI interfaces
* **Sandboxing**. As reading and rendering lots of formats naturally opens the door for security bugs, those tasks are offloaded to small, sandboxed sub-processes to mitigate the effect of exploited vulnerabilities.
## Build
### Ubuntu 21.04
sudo apt install build-essential qtbase5-dev libpoppler-qt5-dev libuchardet-dev libquazip5-dev
## Documentation
Coming soon™
## Packages
Coming soon™