Generate previews that show the line number and surrounding lines (like grep -C) for context.
167 rivejä
4.0 KiB
167 rivejä
4.0 KiB
#include <QTextStream>
#include "previewgeneratorplaintext.h"
#include "previewresultplaintext.h"
#include "../shared/limitqueue.h"
QString PreviewGeneratorPlainText::generatePreviewText(QString content, RenderConfig config, QString fileName)
QString resulText = "";
QMap<int, QString> snippet;
int coveredRange = -1;
int lastWordPos = -1;
QHash<QString, int> countmap;
unsigned int currentSnippets = 0;
for(QString &word : config.wordsToHighlight)
int lastPos = 0;
int index = content.indexOf(word, lastPos, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
while(index != -1 && currentSnippets < MAX_SNIPPETS)
countmap[word] = countmap.value(word, 0) + 1;
if(index >= lastWordPos && index <= coveredRange)
int begin = index - 50;
if(begin < 0)
begin = 0;
int after = index + 50;
if(after > content.size())
after = content.size();
snippet[index] = "...<br>" + content.mid(begin, after) + "...<br>";
coveredRange = after;
lastPos = index;
index = content.indexOf(word, lastPos + 1, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
lastWordPos = lastPos;
auto i = snippet.constBegin();
while(i != snippet.constEnd())
QString header = "<b>" + fileName + "</b> ";
for(QString &word : config.wordsToHighlight)
resulText.replace(word, "<span style=\"background-color: yellow;\">" + word + "</span>", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
header += word + ": " + QString::number(countmap[word]) + " ";
if(currentSnippets == MAX_SNIPPETS)
header += "(truncated)";
header += "<hr>";
return header + resulText.replace("\n", "<br>").mid(0, 1000);
QString PreviewGeneratorPlainText::generateLineBasedPreviewText(QTextStream &in, RenderConfig config, QString fileName)
QString resultText;
const unsigned int contextLinesCount = 2;
LimitQueue<QString> queue(contextLinesCount);
QString currentLine;
/* How many lines to read after a line with a match (like grep -A ) */
int justReadLinesCount = -1;
auto appendLine = [&resultText](int lineNumber, QString &line)
{ resultText.append(QString("<b>%1</b>%2<br>").arg(lineNumber).arg(line)); };
QHash<QString, int> countmap;
QString header = "<b>" + fileName + "</b> ";
unsigned int snippetsCount = 0;
unsigned int lineCount = 0;
while(in.readLineInto(¤tLine) && snippetsCount < MAX_SNIPPETS)
bool matched = false;
if(justReadLinesCount > 0)
appendLine(lineCount, currentLine);
if(justReadLinesCount == 0)
resultText += "---<br>";
justReadLinesCount = -1;
for(QString &word : config.wordsToHighlight)
if(currentLine.contains(word, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
countmap[word] = countmap.value(word, 0) + 1;
matched = true;
currentLine.replace(word, "<span style=\"background-color: yellow;\">" + word + "</span>",
while(queue.size() > 0)
int queuedLineCount = lineCount - queue.size();
QString queuedLine = queue.dequeue();
appendLine(queuedLineCount, queuedLine);
appendLine(lineCount, currentLine);
justReadLinesCount = contextLinesCount;
for(QString &word : config.wordsToHighlight)
header += word + ": " + QString::number(countmap[word]) + " ";
if(snippetsCount == MAX_SNIPPETS)
header += "(truncated)";
header += "<hr>";
return header + resultText;
QSharedPointer<PreviewResult> PreviewGeneratorPlainText::generate(RenderConfig config, QString documentPath,
unsigned int page)
PreviewResultPlainText *result = new PreviewResultPlainText(documentPath, page);
QFile file(documentPath);
if(! | QFile::Text))
return QSharedPointer<PreviewResultPlainText>(result);
QTextStream in(&file);
QFileInfo info{documentPath};
result->setText(generateLineBasedPreviewText(in, config, info.fileName()));
return QSharedPointer<PreviewResultPlainText>(result);