WIP/sandboxing #29

crtxcr souhaite fusionner 4 révision(s) depuis WIP/sandboxing vers master

IPC server is completely unsandboxed, which may be reasonable, but we can also spawn pdf viewers etc. sandboxed, e. g. without internet access, or read only file system, etc. So, this should be optionally or the default. However, a "normal", unsandboxed launch, in any case.

TODO IPC server is completely unsandboxed, which may be reasonable, but we can also spawn pdf viewers etc. sandboxed, e. g. without internet access, or read only file system, etc. So, this should be optionally or the default. However, a "normal", unsandboxed launch, in any case.
crtxcr a forcé WIP/sandboxing de 9243c75b47 à c5368be7fa 2021-09-28 21:44:16 +02:00. Comparer
crtxcr a forcé WIP/sandboxing de 0c4491b001 à dfd209e39d 2021-10-24 18:29:34 +02:00. Comparer
crtxcr a forcé WIP/sandboxing de 79c2731216 à e084235590 2021-12-29 11:52:00 +01:00. Comparer
crtxcr a forcé WIP/sandboxing de dbb56ffcab à 99f35beb4a 2022-01-01 17:59:01 +01:00. Comparer
crtxcr a ajouté 1 révision 2022-01-02 16:16:03 +01:00
crtxcr a fermé cette demande d'ajout 2022-04-24 19:31:35 +02:00.

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Référence : crtxcr/looqs#29
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