Fix builds with quazip 1.X

Sigh. quazip changed the lib name, include locations, etc. from version 1.
Some distributions only have 0.9. Some only  1.x and so some packages break,
so they simply patch it when building the package.

Luckily, nothing we use from quazip is affected from an API perspective.

So detect if there is quazip1, then use pkg-config to link that, else do it like before.
Esse commit está contido em:
Albert S. 2022-06-21 22:10:21 +02:00
commit 759d2a7924
4 arquivos alterados com 23 adições e 3 exclusões

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@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ else:unix: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../shared/ -lshared
LIBS += -luchardet -lpoppler-qt5 -lquazip5
packagesExist(quazip1-qt5) {
PKGCONFIG += quazip1-qt5
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
LIBS -= -lquazip5
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../shared
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../shared

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@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
QT += core concurrent gui network
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
CONFIG += c++17
TARGET = looqs-gui
@ -69,6 +73,12 @@ else:unix: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../shared/ -lshared
LIBS += -luchardet -lpoppler-qt5 -lquazip5
packagesExist(quazip1-qt5) {
PKGCONFIG += quazip1-qt5
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
LIBS -= -lquazip5
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../shared
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../shared

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include <quazip5/quazip.h>
#include <quazip5/quazipfile.h>
#include <quazip.h>
#include <quazipfile.h>
#include "odtprocessor.h"
#include "tagstripperprocessor.h"

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@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ CONFIG += c++17
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../sandbox/exile.h/
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/poppler/qt5/ /usr/include/quazip5
# Dirty, we only need the includes here but well this magic works, so...
packagesExist(quazip1-qt5) {
PKGCONFIG += quazip1-qt5
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any feature of Qt which has been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings