Permissions not or only improperly checked in some contexts #19
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Tagairt in Eagrán Nua
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Scrios Brainse "%!s()"
Tá brainse a scriosadh buan. Cé go bhféadfadh an brainse scriosta leanúint ar aghaidh ag bheith ann ar feadh tréimhse ghearr sula mbaintear í i ndáiríre, NÍ FÉIDIR é a dhíchur i bhformhór Lean ar aghaidh?
When a user has no permission to see the page history, he still knows about older entries from the global history pages, which can be a metadata leak. They should not be there
Search must also consider permissions such as can_read etc.
Permissions not or improperly checked in some contextsgo Permissions not or only improperly checked in some contexts