Swiss army-knife features #29

créé 2020-10-13 16:36:31 +02:00 par crtxcr · 0 commentaire

May not be in scope. But a calculator is there already, so... May need a plugin system or it'll bloat up...

IPv4 Network (Netmask) calculator
Hex to decimal etc. conversion
Currency etc. conversion
Crontab generator
Regex tester

Some of this may be covered by libqalculate already

May not be in scope. But a calculator is there already, so... May need a plugin system or it'll bloat up... IPv4 Network (Netmask) calculator Hex to decimal etc. conversion Currency etc. conversion Crontab generator Regex tester Some of this may be covered by libqalculate already
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2020-10-13 16:36:31 +02:00.
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Référence : crtxcr/qsrun#29
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