Honor Terminal= in .desktop files #10

créé 2020-09-06 21:48:58 +02:00 par crtxcr · 0 commentaire
  • Launch those in a terminal
  • If they don't have an icon, give them the terminal icon
- [ ] Launch those in a terminal - [ ] If they don't have an icon, give them the terminal icon
crtxcr a créé une dépendance 2020-09-06 21:54:20 +02:00.
crtxcr a créé une dépendance 2020-10-04 22:21:16 +02:00.
crtxcr a fermé ce ticket 2020-10-08 22:28:40 +02:00.
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Référence : crtxcr/qsrun#10
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