707 Zeilen
21 KiB
707 Zeilen
21 KiB
Copyright 2015 S. Razi Alavizadeh
Copyright 2012-2015, 2018 Adam Reichold
Copyright 2012 Alexander Volkov
This file is part of qpdfview.
qpdfview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
qpdfview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with qpdfview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef SETTINGS_H
#define SETTINGS_H
#include <QColor>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPrinter>
class QSettings;
#include "global.h"
#include "printoptions.h"
namespace qpdfview
class Settings : public QObject
static Settings* instance();
// page item
class PageItem
void sync();
int cacheSize() const { return m_cacheSize; }
void setCacheSize(int cacheSize);
bool useTiling() const { return m_useTiling; }
void setUseTiling(bool useTiling);
int tileSize() const { return m_tileSize; }
const QIcon& progressIcon() const { return m_progressIcon; }
void setProgressIcon(const QIcon& progressIcon) { m_progressIcon = progressIcon; }
const QIcon& errorIcon() const { return m_errorIcon; }
void setErrorIcon(const QIcon& errorIcon) { m_errorIcon = errorIcon; }
bool keepObsoletePixmaps() const { return m_keepObsoletePixmaps; }
void setKeepObsoletePixmaps(bool keepObsoletePixmaps);
bool useDevicePixelRatio() const { return m_useDevicePixelRatio; }
void setUseDevicePixelRatio(bool useDevicePixelRatio);
bool decoratePages() const { return m_decoratePages; }
void setDecoratePages(bool decoratePages);
bool decorateLinks() const { return m_decorateLinks; }
void setDecorateLinks(bool decorateLinks);
bool decorateFormFields() const { return m_decorateFormFields; }
void setDecorateFormFields(bool decorateFormFields);
const QColor& backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; }
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor& backgroundColor);
const QColor& paperColor() const { return m_paperColor; }
void setPaperColor(const QColor& paperColor);
const QColor& highlightColor() const { return m_highlightColor; }
void setHighlightColor(const QColor& highlightColor);
QColor annotationColor() const;
void setAnnotationColor(const QColor& annotationColor);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers copyToClipboardModifiers() const;
void setCopyToClipboardModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers addAnnotationModifiers() const;
void setAddAnnotationModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers zoomToSelectionModifiers() const;
void setZoomToSelectionModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers openInSourceEditorModifiers() const;
void setOpenInSourceEditorModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
bool annotationOverlay() const;
void setAnnotationOverlay(bool overlay);
bool formFieldOverlay() const;
void setFormFieldOverlay(bool overlay);
PageItem(QSettings* settings);
friend class Settings;
QSettings* m_settings;
int m_cacheSize;
bool m_useTiling;
int m_tileSize;
QIcon m_progressIcon;
QIcon m_errorIcon;
bool m_keepObsoletePixmaps;
bool m_useDevicePixelRatio;
bool m_decoratePages;
bool m_decorateLinks;
bool m_decorateFormFields;
QColor m_backgroundColor;
QColor m_paperColor;
QColor m_highlightColor;
// presentation view
class PresentationView
bool synchronize() const;
void setSynchronize(bool synchronize);
int screen() const;
void setScreen(int screen);
QColor backgroundColor() const;
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor& backgroundColor);
PresentationView(QSettings* settings);
friend class Settings;
QSettings* m_settings;
// document view
class DocumentView
void sync();
bool openUrl() const;
void setOpenUrl(bool openUrl);
bool autoRefresh() const;
void setAutoRefresh(bool autoRefresh);
int autoRefreshTimeout() const;
bool prefetch() const { return m_prefetch; }
void setPrefetch(bool prefetch);
int prefetchDistance() const { return m_prefetchDistance; }
void setPrefetchDistance(int prefetchDistance);
int prefetchTimeout() const;
int pagesPerRow() const { return m_pagesPerRow; }
void setPagesPerRow(int pagesPerRow);
bool minimalScrolling() const { return m_minimalScrolling; }
void setMinimalScrolling(bool minimalScrolling);
bool highlightCurrentThumbnail() const { return m_highlightCurrentThumbnail; }
void setHighlightCurrentThumbnail(bool highlightCurrentThumbnail);
bool limitThumbnailsToResults() const { return m_limitThumbnailsToResults; }
void setLimitThumbnailsToResults(bool limitThumbnailsToResults);
qreal minimumScaleFactor() const;
qreal maximumScaleFactor() const;
qreal zoomFactor() const;
void setZoomFactor(qreal zoomFactor);
qreal pageSpacing() const { return m_pageSpacing; }
void setPageSpacing(qreal pageSpacing);
qreal thumbnailSpacing() const { return m_thumbnailSpacing; }
void setThumbnailSpacing(qreal thumbnailSpacing);
qreal thumbnailSize() const { return m_thumbnailSize; }
void setThumbnailSize(qreal thumbnailSize);
bool matchCase() const;
void setMatchCase(bool matchCase);
bool wholeWords() const;
void setWholeWords(bool wholeWords);
bool parallelSearchExecution() const;
void setParallelSearchExecution(bool parallelSearchExecution);
int highlightDuration() const;
void setHighlightDuration(int highlightDuration);
QString sourceEditor() const;
void setSourceEditor(const QString& sourceEditor);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers zoomModifiers() const;
void setZoomModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers zoomModifiers);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers rotateModifiers() const;
void setRotateModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers rotateModifiers);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers scrollModifiers() const;
void setScrollModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers scrollModifiers);
// per-tab settings
bool continuousMode() const;
void setContinuousMode(bool continuousMode);
LayoutMode layoutMode() const;
void setLayoutMode(LayoutMode layoutMode);
bool rightToLeftMode() const;
void setRightToLeftMode(bool rightToLeftMode);
ScaleMode scaleMode() const;
void setScaleMode(ScaleMode scaleMode);
qreal scaleFactor() const;
void setScaleFactor(qreal scaleFactor);
Rotation rotation() const;
void setRotation(Rotation rotation);
bool invertColors() const;
void setInvertColors(bool invertColors);
bool convertToGrayscale() const;
void setConvertToGrayscale(bool convertToGrayscale);
bool trimMargins() const;
void setTrimMargins(bool trimMargins);
CompositionMode compositionMode() const;
void setCompositionMode(CompositionMode compositionMode);
bool highlightAll() const;
void setHighlightAll(bool highlightAll);
DocumentView(QSettings* settings);
friend class Settings;
QSettings* m_settings;
bool m_prefetch;
int m_prefetchDistance;
int m_pagesPerRow;
bool m_minimalScrolling;
bool m_highlightCurrentThumbnail;
bool m_limitThumbnailsToResults;
qreal m_pageSpacing;
qreal m_thumbnailSpacing;
qreal m_thumbnailSize;
// main window
class MainWindow
bool trackRecentlyUsed() const;
void setTrackRecentlyUsed(bool trackRecentlyUsed);
int recentlyUsedCount() const;
void setRecentlyUsedCount(int recentlyUsedCount);
QStringList recentlyUsed() const;
void setRecentlyUsed(const QStringList& recentlyUsed);
bool keepRecentlyClosed() const;
void setKeepRecentlyClosed(bool keepRecentlyClosed);
int recentlyClosedCount() const;
void setRecentlyClosedCount(int recentlyClosedCount);
bool restoreTabs() const;
void setRestoreTabs(bool restoreTabs);
bool restoreBookmarks() const;
void setRestoreBookmarks(bool restoreBookmarks);
bool restorePerFileSettings() const;
void setRestorePerFileSettings(bool restorePerFileSettings);
int perFileSettingsLimit() const;
int saveDatabaseInterval() const;
void setSaveDatabaseInterval(int saveDatabaseInterval);
int currentTabIndex() const;
void setCurrentTabIndex(int currentTabIndex);
int tabPosition() const;
void setTabPosition(int tabPosition);
int tabVisibility() const;
void setTabVisibility(int tabVisibility);
bool spreadTabs() const;
void setSpreadTabs(bool spreadTabs);
bool newTabNextToCurrentTab() const;
void setNewTabNextToCurrentTab(bool newTabNextToCurrentTab);
bool exitAfterLastTab() const;
void setExitAfterLastTab(bool exitAfterLastTab);
bool documentTitleAsTabTitle() const;
void setDocumentTitleAsTabTitle(bool documentTitleAsTabTitle);
bool currentPageInWindowTitle() const;
void setCurrentPageInWindowTitle(bool currentPageInWindowTitle);
bool instanceNameInWindowTitle() const;
void setInstanceNameInWindowTitle(bool instanceNameInWindowTitle);
bool extendedSearchDock() const;
void setExtendedSearchDock(bool extendedSearchDock);
bool usePageLabel() const;
void setUsePageLabel(bool usePageLabel);
bool synchronizeOutlineView() const;
void setSynchronizeOutlineView(bool synchronizeOutlineView);
bool synchronizeSplitViews() const;
void setSynchronizeSplitViews(bool synchronizeSplitViews);
QStringList fileToolBar() const;
void setFileToolBar(const QStringList& fileToolBar);
QStringList editToolBar() const;
void setEditToolBar(const QStringList& editToolBar);
QStringList viewToolBar() const;
void setViewToolBar(const QStringList& viewToolBar);
QStringList documentContextMenu() const;
void setDocumentContextMenu(const QStringList& documentContextMenu);
QStringList tabContextMenu() const;
void setTabContextMenu(const QStringList& tabContextMenu);
bool scrollableMenus() const;
void setScrollableMenus(bool scrollableMenus);
bool searchableMenus() const;
void setSearchableMenus(bool searchableMenus);
bool toggleToolAndMenuBarsWithFullscreen() const;
void setToggleToolAndMenuBarsWithFullscreen(bool toggleToolAndMenuBarsWithFullscreen) const;
bool hasIconTheme() const;
QString iconTheme() const;
bool hasStyleSheet() const;
QString styleSheet() const;
QByteArray geometry() const;
void setGeometry(const QByteArray& geometry);
QByteArray state() const;
void setState(const QByteArray& state);
QString openPath() const;
void setOpenPath(const QString& openPath);
QString savePath() const;
void setSavePath(const QString& savePath);
QSize settingsDialogSize(QSize sizeHint) const;
void setSettingsDialogSize(QSize settingsDialogSize);
QSize fontsDialogSize(QSize sizeHint) const;
void setFontsDialogSize(QSize fontsDialogSize);
QSize contentsDialogSize(QSize sizeHint) const;
void setContentsDialogSize(QSize contentsDialogSize);
MainWindow(QSettings* settings);
friend class Settings;
QSettings* m_settings;
// print dialog
class PrintDialog
bool collateCopies() const;
void setCollateCopies(bool collateCopies);
QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder() const;
void setPageOrder(QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder);
QPrinter::Orientation orientation() const;
void setOrientation(QPrinter::Orientation orientation);
QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode() const;
void setColorMode(QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode);
QPrinter::DuplexMode duplex() const;
void setDuplex(QPrinter::DuplexMode duplex);
bool fitToPage() const;
void setFitToPage(bool fitToPage);
PrintOptions::PageSet pageSet() const;
void setPageSet(PrintOptions::PageSet pageSet);
PrintOptions::NumberUp numberUp() const;
void setNumberUp(PrintOptions::NumberUp numberUp);
PrintOptions::NumberUpLayout numberUpLayout() const;
void setNumberUpLayout(PrintOptions::NumberUpLayout numberUpLayout);
#endif // QT_VERSION
PrintDialog(QSettings* settings);
friend class Settings;
QSettings* m_settings;
void sync();
PageItem& pageItem() { return m_pageItem; }
PresentationView& presentationView() { return m_presentationView; }
DocumentView& documentView() { return m_documentView; }
MainWindow& mainWindow() { return m_mainWindow; }
PrintDialog& printDialog() { return m_printDialog; }
static Settings* s_instance;
Settings(QObject* parent = 0);
QSettings* m_settings;
PageItem m_pageItem;
PresentationView m_presentationView;
DocumentView m_documentView;
MainWindow m_mainWindow;
PrintDialog m_printDialog;
// defaults
class Defaults
class PageItem
static int cacheSize() { return 32 * 1024; }
static bool useTiling() { return false; }
static int tileSize() { return 1024; }
static bool keepObsoletePixmaps() { return false; }
static bool useDevicePixelRatio() { return false; }
static bool decoratePages() { return true; }
static bool decorateLinks() { return true; }
static bool decorateFormFields() { return true; }
static QColor backgroundColor() { return Qt::darkGray; }
static QColor paperColor() { return Qt::white; }
static QColor highlightColor() { return Qt::yellow; }
static QColor annotationColor() { return Qt::yellow; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers copyToClipboardModifiers() { return Qt::ShiftModifier; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers addAnnotationModifiers() { return Qt::ControlModifier; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers zoomToSelectionModifiers() { return Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers openInSourceEditorModifiers() { return Qt::NoModifier; }
static bool annotationOverlay() { return false; }
static bool formFieldOverlay() { return true; }
PageItem() {}
class PresentationView
static bool synchronize() { return false; }
static int screen() { return -1; }
static QColor backgroundColor() { return QColor(); }
PresentationView() {}
class DocumentView
static bool openUrl() { return false; }
static bool autoRefresh() { return false; }
static int autoRefreshTimeout() { return 750; }
static bool prefetch() { return false; }
static int prefetchDistance() { return 1; }
static int prefetchTimeout() { return 250; }
static int pagesPerRow() { return 3; }
static bool minimalScrolling() { return false; }
static bool highlightCurrentThumbnail() { return false; }
static bool limitThumbnailsToResults() { return false; }
static qreal minimumScaleFactor() { return 0.1; }
static qreal maximumScaleFactor() { return 50.0; }
static qreal zoomFactor() { return 1.1; }
static qreal pageSpacing() { return 5.0; }
static qreal thumbnailSpacing() { return 3.0; }
static qreal thumbnailSize() { return 150.0; }
static CompositionMode compositionMode() { return DefaultCompositionMode; }
static bool matchCase() { return false; }
static bool wholeWords() { return false; }
static bool parallelSearchExecution() { return false; }
static int highlightDuration() { return 5 * 1000; }
static QString sourceEditor() { return QString(); }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers zoomModifiers() { return Qt::ControlModifier; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers rotateModifiers() { return Qt::ShiftModifier; }
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers scrollModifiers() { return Qt::AltModifier; }
// per-tab defaults
static bool continuousMode() { return false; }
static LayoutMode layoutMode() { return SinglePageMode; }
static bool rightToLeftMode();
static ScaleMode scaleMode() { return ScaleFactorMode; }
static qreal scaleFactor() { return 1.0; }
static Rotation rotation() { return RotateBy0; }
static bool invertColors() { return false; }
static bool convertToGrayscale() { return false; }
static bool trimMargins() { return false; }
static bool highlightAll() { return false; }
DocumentView() {}
class MainWindow
static bool trackRecentlyUsed() { return false; }
static int recentlyUsedCount() { return 10; }
static bool keepRecentlyClosed() { return false; }
static int recentlyClosedCount() { return 5; }
static bool restoreTabs() { return false; }
static bool restoreBookmarks() { return false; }
static bool restorePerFileSettings() { return false; }
static int perFileSettingsLimit() { return 1000; }
static int saveDatabaseInterval() { return 5 * 60 * 1000; }
static int tabPosition() { return 0; }
static int tabVisibility() { return 0; }
static bool spreadTabs() { return false; }
static bool newTabNextToCurrentTab() { return true; }
static bool exitAfterLastTab() { return false; }
static bool documentTitleAsTabTitle() { return true; }
static bool currentPageInWindowTitle() { return false; }
static bool instanceNameInWindowTitle() { return false; }
static bool extendedSearchDock() { return false; }
static bool usePageLabel() { return true; }
static bool synchronizeOutlineView() { return false; }
static bool synchronizeSplitViews() { return true; }
static QStringList fileToolBar() { return QStringList() << "openInNewTab" << "refresh"; }
static QStringList editToolBar() { return QStringList() << "currentPage" << "previousPage" << "nextPage"; }
static QStringList viewToolBar() { return QStringList() << "scaleFactor" << "zoomIn" << "zoomOut"; }
static QStringList documentContextMenu() { return QStringList() << "previousPage" << "nextPage" << "firstPage" << "lastPage" << "separator" << "jumpToPage" << "jumpBackward" << "jumpForward" << "separator" << "setFirstPage" << "separator" << "findPrevious" << "findNext" << "cancelSearch"; }
static QStringList tabContexntMenu() { return QStringList() << "openCopyInNewTab" << "openCopyInNewWindow" << "openContainingFolder" << "separator" << "splitViewHorizontally" << "splitViewVertically" << "closeCurrentView" << "separator" << "closeAllTabs" << "closeAllTabsButThisOne" << "closeAllTabsToTheLeft" << "closeAllTabsToTheRight"; }
static bool scrollableMenus() { return false; }
static bool searchableMenus() { return false; }
static bool toggleToolAndMenuBarsWithFullscreen() { return false; }
static QString path();
MainWindow() {}
class PrintDialog
static bool collateCopies() { return false; }
static QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder() { return QPrinter::FirstPageFirst; }
static QPrinter::Orientation orientation() { return QPrinter::Portrait; }
static QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode() { return QPrinter::Color; }
static QPrinter::DuplexMode duplex() { return QPrinter::DuplexNone; }
static bool fitToPage() { return false; }
static PrintOptions::PageSet pageSet() { return PrintOptions::AllPages; }
static PrintOptions::NumberUp numberUp() { return PrintOptions::SinglePage; }
static PrintOptions::NumberUpLayout numberUpLayout() { return PrintOptions::LeftRightTopBottom; }
#endif // QT_VERSION
PrintDialog() {}
Defaults() {}
} // qpdfview
#endif // SETTINGS_H