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No commits in common. "0d01fa977d7d9e2cc64d18e338cbcfcd1c31903c" and "a0ced3f7d0e4c543892ed1ed25173c4919b9c25e" have entirely different histories.

2 ändrade filer med 1 tillägg och 2 borttagningar

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@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ int CommandUpdate::handle(QStringList arguments)
offset += limit;
processedRows = this->dbService->getFiles(files, pattern, offset, limit);

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@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ LooqsQuery LooqsQuery::build(QString expression, TokenType loneWordsTokenType, b
QStringList loneWords;
LooqsQuery result;
QRegularExpression rx("((?<filtername>(\\.|\\w)+):(?<args>\\((?<innerargs>[^\\)]+)\\)|([\\w,])+)|(?<boolean>AND|OR)"
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = rx.globalMatch(expression);
auto previousWasBool = [&result] { return !result.tokens.empty() && ((result.tokens.last().type & BOOL) == BOOL); };
auto previousWas = [&result](TokenType t) { return !result.tokens.empty() && (result.tokens.last().type == t); };