WIP: Assign syscalls into groups. Add whitelist mode (default). #20

crtxcr souhaite fusionner 1 révision(s) depuis WIP/groups vers master

Classify syscalls into groups, for x86_64 only for now.
Up to date for 5.15, generate some #ifndef for syscalls
introduced since 5.10. Only support x86_64 therefore at this point.

Switch from blacklisting to a default whitelist.

Classify syscalls into groups, for x86_64 only for now. Up to date for 5.15, generate some #ifndef for syscalls introduced since 5.10. Only support x86_64 therefore at this point. Switch from blacklisting to a default whitelist.
crtxcr a ajouté 1 révision 2021-11-08 23:01:15 +01:00
Classify syscalls into groups, for x86_64 only for now.
Up to date for 5.15, generate some #ifndef for syscalls
introduced since 5.10. Only support x86_64 therefore at this point.

Switch from blacklisting to a default whitelist.
crtxcr a fermé cette demande d'ajout 2021-11-14 21:49:06 +01:00.
crtxcr a supprimé la branche WIP/groups 2021-11-14 21:49:11 +01:00.

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Référence : crtxcr/exile.h#20
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