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Replace default blacklist with whitelist? #8

2021-06-11 22:19:10 +02:00 von crtxcr geöffnet · 0 Kommentare

For the initial policy, consider replacing the blacklist containing potentially evil system calls with all those are usually fine.

The advanatage: No need to play catchup. etc.

For the initial policy, consider replacing the blacklist containing potentially evil system calls with all those are usually fine. The advanatage: No need to play catchup. etc.
crtxcr hat den Titel von Replace default blacklist with whitelist zu Replace default blacklist with whitelist? 2021-06-11 22:19:18 +02:00 geändert
crtxcr hat dieses Issue 2021-08-10 16:59:09 +02:00 aus einem Commit referenziert
crtxcr hat diesen Issue 2021-11-21 22:56:58 +01:00 geschlossen
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Referenz: crtxcr/exile.h#8
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