Revaluate thread-safety and document it #33

открыта 2022-02-26 16:56:57 +01:00 crtxcr · комментариев: 0
crtxcr прокомментировал(а) 2022-02-26 16:56:57 +01:00

strerror() is used, which is not thread-safe.

exile_launch() in particular changes things, we may now be called not only in the beginning of program execution.

So in general document what we guarantee and not, and/or make it thread-safe.

strerror() is used, which is not thread-safe. exile_launch() in particular changes things, we may now be called not only in the beginning of program execution. So in general document what we guarantee and not, and/or make it thread-safe.
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Ссылка: crtxcr/exile.h#33
Описание отсутствует.