exile_launch() #26

aperto 2022-01-09 22:37:56 +01:00 da crtxcr · 0 commenti

exile_launch(policy, &func, flags), where flags = 0: use our default clone() flags, otherwise user-specified.

Activates the policy, upon success launches func.

Must return either stdout/stderr content itself (and block), or returns file descriptors to be read from parent. Better yet maybe func arg, among a struct of input parameters, also contains some kind of shared mem buffer.

exile_launch(policy, &func, flags), where flags = 0: use our default clone() flags, otherwise user-specified. Activates the policy, upon success launches func. Must return either stdout/stderr content itself (and block), or returns file descriptors to be read from parent. Better yet maybe func arg, among a struct of input parameters, also contains some kind of shared mem buffer.
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2022-01-09 22:37:56 +01:00
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Riferimento: crtxcr/exile.h#26
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