test.sh is too shaky with seccomp #15

aperto 2021-08-16 23:22:42 +02:00 da crtxcr · 0 commenti

must_exit_zero is shaky with seccomp kill rules. We may assume a process got killed while actually some other error happened that leads to the process to exit with a non-zero exit code.

must_exit_zero is shaky with seccomp kill rules. We may assume a process got killed while actually some other error happened that leads to the process to exit with a non-zero exit code.
crtxcr ha aggiunto l'etichetta
2021-08-16 23:22:42 +02:00
crtxcr chiuso questo probleam 2021-09-05 17:09:05 +02:00
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Riferimento: crtxcr/exile.h#15
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