Filters can now call hook_write and unhook_write if they want to redirect writing to stdout to a different function. This saves us from potential file descriptor pipes and other less efficient mechanisms. We do this instead of replacing the call in html_raw because some places stdlib's printf functions are used (ui-patch or within git itself), which has its own internal buffering, which makes it difficult to interlace our function calls. So, we dlsym libc's write and then override it in the link stage. While we're at it, we move considerations of argument count into the generic new filter handler. Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>
cgit - CGI for Git ================== This is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the Git SCM, using a built-in cache to decrease server I/O pressure. Installation ------------ Building cgit involves building a proper version of Git. How to do this depends on how you obtained the cgit sources: a) If you're working in a cloned cgit repository, you first need to initialize and update the Git submodule: $ git submodule init # register the Git submodule in .git/config $ $EDITOR .git/config # if you want to specify a different url for git $ git submodule update # clone/fetch and checkout correct git version b) If you're building from a cgit tarball, you can download a proper git version like this: $ make get-git When either a) or b) has been performed, you can build and install cgit like this: $ make $ sudo make install This will install `cgit.cgi` and `cgit.css` into `/var/www/htdocs/cgit`. You can configure this location (and a few other things) by providing a `cgit.conf` file (see the Makefile for details). Dependencies ------------ * libzip * libcrypto (OpenSSL) * libssl (OpenSSL) Apache configuration -------------------- A new `Directory` section must probably be added for cgit, possibly something like this: <Directory "/var/www/htdocs/cgit/"> AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> Runtime configuration --------------------- The file `/etc/cgitrc` is read by cgit before handling a request. In addition to runtime parameters, this file may also contain a list of repositories displayed by cgit (see `cgitrc.5.txt` for further details). The cache --------- When cgit is invoked it looks for a cache file matching the request and returns it to the client. If no such cache file exists (or if it has expired), the content for the request is written into the proper cache file before the file is returned. If the cache file has expired but cgit is unable to obtain a lock for it, the stale cache file is returned to the client. This is done to favour page throughput over page freshness. The generated content contains the complete response to the client, including the HTTP headers `Modified` and `Expires`. Online presence --------------- * The cgit homepage is hosted by cgit at <http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about/> * Patches, bug reports, discussions and support should go to the cgit mailing list: <cgit@lists.zx2c4.com>. To sign up, visit <http://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/cgit>