Now running tests with the "--valgrind" option will run cgit under Valgrind instead of all Git commands. Signed-off-by: John Keeping <john@keeping.me.uk>
13 řádky
374 B
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13 řádky
374 B
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# Note that we currently use Git's suppression file and there are variables
# $GIT_VALGRIND and $CGIT_VALGRIND which point to different places.
exec valgrind -q --error-exitcode=126 \
--suppressions="$GIT_VALGRIND/default.supp" \
--gen-suppressions=all \
--leak-check=no \
--track-origins=yes \
--log-fd=4 \
--input-fd=4 \
"$CGIT_VALGRIND/../../cgit" "$@"