The "-e" option to grep is not needed unless specifying more than one pattern, which we don't do. Remove it to avoid restricting the tests on platforms that do not have a grep that recognises "-e". Signed-off-by: John Keeping <john@keeping.me.uk>
27 řádky
854 B
Spustitelný soubor
27 řádky
854 B
Spustitelný soubor
. ./setup.sh
prepare_tests "Check content on summary page"
run_test 'generate foo summary' 'cgit_url "foo" >trash/tmp'
run_test 'find commit 1' 'grep "commit 1" trash/tmp'
run_test 'find commit 5' 'grep "commit 5" trash/tmp'
run_test 'find branch master' 'grep "master" trash/tmp'
run_test 'no tags' '! grep "tags" trash/tmp'
run_test 'clone-url expanded correctly' '
grep "git://example.org/foo.git" trash/tmp
run_test 'generate bar summary' 'cgit_url "bar" >trash/tmp'
run_test 'no commit 45' '! grep "commit 45" trash/tmp'
run_test 'find commit 46' 'grep "commit 46" trash/tmp'
run_test 'find commit 50' 'grep "commit 50" trash/tmp'
run_test 'find branch master' 'grep "master" trash/tmp'
run_test 'no tags' '! grep "tags" trash/tmp'
run_test 'clone-url expanded correctly' '
grep "git://example.org/bar.git" trash/tmp