Seperate the expressions for filtering commit messages.

This allows for putting descriptions closer to their expressions.  It
should also make it clearer how to apply an expression conditionally.
Esse commit está contido em:
Jeff Smith 2010-07-05 22:38:34 -05:00 commit de Lars Hjemli
commit f914317126

Ver arquivo

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# This script can be used to generate links in commit messages - the first
# sed expression generates links to commits referenced by their SHA1, while
# the second expression generates links to a fictional bugtracker.
# This script can be used to generate links in commit messages.
# To use this script, refer to this file with either the commit-filter or the
# repo.commit-filter options in cgitrc.
sed -re '
s|\b([0-9a-fA-F]{8,40})\b|<a href="./?id=\1">\1</a>|g
s| #([0-9]+)\b|<a href="\1">#\1</a>|g
# This expression generates links to commits referenced by their SHA1.
s|\b([0-9a-fA-F]{8,40})\b|<a href="./?id=\1">\1</a>|g'
# This expression generates links to a fictional bugtracker.
s| #([0-9]+)\b|<a href="\1">#\1</a>|g'
sed -re "$regex"