Teach cgit howto include an external file on index page.

The new parameter index-header can be used to name an external file
which will be included verbatim at the top of the index page.

Signed-off-by: Lars Hjemli <hjemli@gmail.com>
Esse commit está contido em:
Lars Hjemli 2007-05-19 00:00:25 +02:00
commit de69ce020c
3 arquivos alterados com 9 adições e 0 exclusões

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@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ extern struct repoinfo *cgit_repo;
extern char *cgit_root_title;
extern char *cgit_css;
extern char *cgit_logo;
extern char *cgit_index_header;
extern char *cgit_logo_link;
extern char *cgit_module_link;
extern char *cgit_virtual_root;

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ struct repoinfo *cgit_repo;
char *cgit_root_title = "Git repository browser";
char *cgit_css = "/cgit.css";
char *cgit_logo = "/git-logo.png";
char *cgit_index_header = NULL;
char *cgit_logo_link = "http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/";
char *cgit_module_link = "./?repo=%s&page=commit&id=%s";
char *cgit_virtual_root = NULL;
@ -101,6 +102,8 @@ void cgit_global_config_cb(const char *name, const char *value)
cgit_css = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "logo"))
cgit_logo = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "index-header"))
cgit_index_header = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "logo-link"))
cgit_logo_link = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link"))

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@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ void cgit_print_repolist(struct cacheitem *item)
cgit_print_pageheader(cgit_root_title, 0);
html("<table class='list nowrap'>");
if (cgit_index_header) {
html("<tr class='nohover'><td colspan='4' class='include-block'>");
html("<tr class='nohover'>"
"<th class='left'>Name</th>"
"<th class='left'>Description</th>"