Albert S 22f39eb8d8 Temporarily switch to boost::regex
In combination with musl, parser crashed. glibc fine. Could not pinpoint
down the exact reason mainly due to time constraints. Strange, in both
cases actually libstdc++ is used, so this is very odd.
2018-11-11 21:37:59 +01:00

107 řádky
2.2 KiB

#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <ctime>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
namespace utils
std::vector<std::string> splitByChar(const std::string &str, char delim);
std::vector<std::string> splitByString(const std::string &str, const std::string &delim);
std::vector<std::string> splitByRegex(const std::string &str, const std::string &regex);
std::string urldecode(std::string_view str);
std::string strreplace(const std::string &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace);
std::string html_xss(std::string_view str);
std::string getenv(const std::string &key);
template<class T, class U>
bool hasKey(const std::map<T, U> &map, T key)
auto k = map.find(key);
return k != map.end();
template<class T,class U>
U getKeyOrEmpty(const std::map<T, U> &map, T key)
auto k = map.find(key);
if(k != map.end())
return k->second;
return U();
template<class T,class U>
U getKeyOrEmpty(std::multimap<T, U> map, T key)
auto k = map.find(key);
if(k != map.end())
return k->second;
return U();
template<class T,class U>
std::vector<U> getAll(std::multimap<T, U> map, T key)
std::vector<U> result;
auto range = map.equal_range(key);
for(auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++)
return result;
std::string regex_callback_replacer(boost::regex regex, const std::string &input, std::function<std::string(boost::smatch&) > callback);
std::string readCompleteFile(std::string_view filepath);
inline std::string nz(const char *s) {
if(s == nullptr)
return std::string { };
return std::string { s };
//TODO: optional
inline unsigned int toUInt(const std::string &str)
if(str == "")
return 0;
auto result = std::stoul(str);
if(result > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
throw std::out_of_range(str + " is too large for unsigned int ");
return result;
std::string toISODate(time_t t);
template<class T>
inline std::string toString(const T &v)
return std::string(v.begin(), v.end());