/* Copyright (c) 2018 Albert S. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "pagedaosqlite.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "sqlitequeryoption.h" #include "../logger.h" /* TODO: copied from C version mostly, review whether access to table other than page is ok */ bool PageDaoSqlite::exists(unsigned int id) const { auto binder = *db << "SELECT 1 from page WHERE id = ?" << id ; return execBool(binder); } bool PageDaoSqlite::exists(std::string name) const { auto binder = *db << "SELECT 1 FROM page WHERE name = ?" << name; return execBool(binder); } std::optional PageDaoSqlite::find(std::string name) { try { int pageid = fetchPageId(name); return find(pageid); } catch(const sqlite::errors::no_rows &e) { return { }; } } std::optional PageDaoSqlite::find(unsigned int id) { Page result; result.pageid = id; try { auto ps = *db << "SELECT name, lastrevision, visible FROM page WHERE id = ?"; ps << id >> std::tie(result.name, result.current_revision, result.listed); } catch(const sqlite::errors::no_rows &e) { return { }; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception& e) { throwFrom(e); } return result; } void PageDaoSqlite::deletePage(std::string page) { int pageId = this->fetchPageId(page); //TODO on delete cascade is better most certainly try { *db << "BEGIN;"; *db << "DELETE FROM revision WHERE page = ?;" << pageId; *db << "DELETE FROM categorymember WHERE page = ?;" << pageId; *db << "DELETE FROM permissions WHERE page = ?;" << pageId; *db << "DELETE FROM page WHERE id =?;" << pageId; *db << "COMMIT;"; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } } void PageDaoSqlite::save(const Page &page) { try { *db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO page (id, name, lastrevision, visible) VALUES((SELECT id FROM page WHERE name = ? OR id = ?), ?, ?, ?)" << page.name << page.pageid << page.name << page.current_revision << page.listed; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } } std::vector PageDaoSqlite::getPageList(QueryOption option) { std::vector result; try { std::string queryOption = SqliteQueryOption(option).setOrderByColumn("lower(name)").setVisibleColumnName("visible").setPrependWhere(true).build(); std::string query = "SELECT name FROM page " + queryOption; *db << query >> [&](std::string name) { result.push_back(name); }; } catch(const sqlite::errors::no_rows &e) { return result; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } return result; } std::vector PageDaoSqlite::fetchCategories(std::string pagename, QueryOption option) { std::vector result; try { auto query = *db << "SELECT name FROM categorymember INNNER JOIN category ON category = category.id WHERE page = (SELECT id FROM page WHERE name = ?)" << pagename; query << " AND " << SqliteQueryOption(option).setPrependWhere(false).setOrderByColumn("name").build(); query >> [&](std::string pagename) { result.push_back(pagename);}; } catch(const sqlite::exceptions::no_rows &e) { return result; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } return result; } std::vector PageDaoSqlite::search(std::string name, QueryOption option) { std::vector result; try { std::string qo = SqliteQueryOption(option).setPrependWhere(false).setOrderByColumn("rank").build(); //TODO: what is passed here, simple gets thrown to the MATCH operator without escaping or anything and this is suboptimal auto query = *db << "SELECT page.name FROM search INNER JOIN page ON search.page = page.id WHERE search MATCH ? " << name; query >> [&](std::string pagename) { SearchResult sresult; sresult.pagename = pagename; sresult.query = name; result.push_back(sresult); }; } catch(const sqlite::exceptions::no_rows &e) { return result; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } return result; } void PageDaoSqlite::setCategories(std::string pagename, const std::vector &catnames) { try { int pageid = fetchPageId(pagename); *db << "savepoint setcategories;"; *db << "DELETE FROM categorymember WHERE page = ?" << pageid; for(const std::string &cat : catnames) { *db << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO category (id, name) VALUES( (SELECT id FROM category WHERE lower(name) = lower(?)), lower(?))" << cat << cat; *db << "INSERT INTO categorymember (category, page) VALUES ( (SELECT ID FROM category WHERE lower(name) = lower(?)), ?)" << cat << pageid; } *db << "release setcategories;"; } catch(sqlite::sqlite_exception &e) { throwFrom(e); } } int PageDaoSqlite::fetchPageId(std::string pagename) { auto binder = *db << "SELECT id FROM page WHERE name = ?" << pagename; return execInt(binder); }