/* * This project is licensed under the MIT license. For more information see the * LICENSE file. */ #pragma once #include const std::string testMarkdown = "# This is a test\n\ \n\ This should result in a praragraph\n\ it's that simple.\n\ \n\ * an unordered list\n\ * with some **hierarchy**\n\ 1. and an _ordered_\n\ * list\n\ * directly\n\ * inside\n\ \n\ ```\n\ var c = 'blub';\n\ ```\n\ \n\ > A Quote\n\ >\n\ > With some ~~text~~ blocks inside\n\ >\n\ > * even a list\n\ > * should be\n\ > * possible\n\ >\n\ \n\ And well `inline code` should also work.\n\ \n\ ## Another Headline\n\ \n\ And not to forget [link to progsource](http://progsource.de) should work.\n\ And well - let's see how an image would be shown:\n\ \n\ ![an image](http://progsource.de/img/progsource.png)\n\ \n\ ---\n\ \n\ ### and more headlines\n\ \n\ - [ ] how\n\ - [ ] about\n\ - [ ] a\n\ - [x] nice\n\ - [x] check\n\ - [ ] list\n\ \n\ #### even a table\n\ \n\ |table>\n\ Left header|middle header|last header\n\ - | - | -\n\ cell 1|cell **2**|cell 3\n\ cell 4|cell 5|cell 6\n\ - | - | -\n\ foot a|foot b|foot c\n\ |link to progsource should work. And well - let's see how an image would be shown:


and more headlines

even a table

Left headermiddle headerlast header
cell 1cell 2cell 3
cell 4cell 5cell 6
foot afoot bfoot c