#include #include "dirscanworker.h" #include "logger.h" DirScanWorker::DirScanWorker(ConcurrentQueue &queue, ConcurrentQueue &resultQueue, QStringList ignorePattern, unsigned int progressReportThreshold, std::atomic &stopToken) { this->queue = &queue; this->resultQueue = &resultQueue; this->ignorePattern = ignorePattern; this->progressReportThreshold = progressReportThreshold; this->stopToken = &stopToken; setAutoDelete(false); } void DirScanWorker::run() { unsigned int currentProgress = 0; QString path; /* TODO: if we have e. g. only one path, then only one thread will scan this path. * * Thus, we must resubmit to the queue directories so other threads can help the current one (requires a new logic for threads in ParallelDirScanner). Alterantively, start new DirScanWorkers ourselves here... */ while(queue->dequeue(path)) { QDirIterator iterator(path, ignorePattern, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while(iterator.hasNext()) { this->results.append(iterator.next()); ++currentProgress; if(currentProgress == progressReportThreshold) { if(this->stopToken->load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { return; } this->resultQueue->enqueue(this->results); emit progress(results.length()); currentProgress = 0; this->results.clear(); } } } this->resultQueue->enqueue(this->results); emit progress(results.length()); this->results.clear(); emit finished(); }