#include #include #include #include "sandboxedprocessor.h" #include "pdfprocessor.h" #include "defaulttextprocessor.h" #include "tagstripperprocessor.h" #include "nothingprocessor.h" #include "odtprocessor.h" #include "odsprocessor.h" #include "../submodules/exile.h/exile.h" #include "common.h" #include "logger.h" static DefaultTextProcessor *defaultTextProcessor = new DefaultTextProcessor(); static TagStripperProcessor *tagStripperProcessor = new TagStripperProcessor(); static NothingProcessor *nothingProcessor = new NothingProcessor(); static OdtProcessor *odtProcessor = new OdtProcessor(); static OdsProcessor *odsProcessor = new OdsProcessor(); static QMap processors{ {"pdf", new PdfProcessor()}, {"txt", defaultTextProcessor}, {"md", defaultTextProcessor}, {"py", defaultTextProcessor}, {"xml", nothingProcessor}, {"html", tagStripperProcessor}, {"java", defaultTextProcessor}, {"js", defaultTextProcessor}, {"cpp", defaultTextProcessor}, {"c", defaultTextProcessor}, {"sql", defaultTextProcessor}, {"odt", odtProcessor}, {"ods", odsProcessor}, {"svg", nothingProcessor}}; void SandboxedProcessor::enableSandbox(QString readablePath) { struct exile_policy *policy = exile_init_policy(); if(policy == NULL) { qCritical() << "Could not init exile"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } policy->namespace_options = EXILE_UNSHARE_NETWORK | EXILE_UNSHARE_USER; if(!readablePath.isEmpty()) { std::string readablePathLocation = readablePath.toStdString(); if(exile_append_path_policies(policy, EXILE_FS_ALLOW_ALL_READ, readablePathLocation.c_str()) != 0) { qCritical() << "Failed to add path policies"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { policy->no_fs = 1; } int ret = exile_enable_policy(policy); if(ret != 0) { qCritical() << "Failed to establish sandbox: " << ret; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exile_free_policy(policy); } void SandboxedProcessor::printResults(const QVector &pageData) { QFile fsstdout; fsstdout.open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDataStream stream(&fsstdout); for(const PageData &data : pageData) { stream << data; // fsstdout.flush(); } fsstdout.close(); } int SandboxedProcessor::process() { QFileInfo fileInfo(this->filePath); Processor *processor = processors.value(fileInfo.suffix(), nullptr); if(processor == nullptr) { /* TODO: Not sandboxed */ if(Common::isTextFile(fileInfo)) { processor = defaultTextProcessor; } } if(processor == nullptr || processor == nothingProcessor) { /* Nothing to do */ return NOTHING_PROCESSED; } QVector pageData; QString absPath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); try { if(processor->PREFERED_DATA_SOURCE == FILEPATH) { /* Read access to FS needed... doh..*/ enableSandbox(absPath); pageData = processor->process(absPath); } else { QByteArray data = Utils::readFile(absPath); enableSandbox(); pageData = processor->process(data); } } catch(LooqsGeneralException &e) { Logger::error() << "SandboxedProcessor: Error while processing" << absPath << ":" << e.message << Qt::endl; return 3 /* PROCESSFAIL */; } printResults(pageData); return 0; }