MainWindow 0 0 1280 736 MainWindow QTabWidget::South 3 Search results Filename Path Last modified Size Previews Qt::LeftToRight true Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 1244 446 Scale 25% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% Page: QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus false false Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Index Add paths to scan false Delete ... Add Ignore patterns, separated by ';'. Example: *.js;*Downloads* Qt::PreventContextMenu Index Progress Paths found: 50 false Added: 50 false Skipped: 50 false Failed: Start indexing Settings PDF Viewer Command to open PDF pages in (%f = file path; %p = page number) Mount paths Path prefixes of files that should not be removed during sync, even if they cannot be accessed (e . g. files indexed on external disks) . Separated by ; Ignored paths Path prefixes that should always be ignored during indexing (will be applied before the ignore patterns). Separated by ; Misc Max number of previews per 'page' in 'Previews' tab: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Save settings and restart 0 0 0 1280 35 looqs About About Qt Sync index (remove deleted, update existing files)