#include <QDateTime> #include "filesaver.h" #include "indexsyncer.h" IndexSyncer::IndexSyncer(SqliteDbService &dbService) { this->dbService = &dbService; } void IndexSyncer::setDryRun(bool dryRun) { this->dryRun = dryRun; } void IndexSyncer::setVerbose(bool verbose) { this->verbose = verbose; } void IndexSyncer::setKeepGoing(bool keepGoing) { this->keepGoing = keepGoing; } void IndexSyncer::setRemoveDeletedFromIndex(bool removeDeletedFromIndex) { this->removeDeletedFromIndex = removeDeletedFromIndex; } void IndexSyncer::setPattern(QString pattern) { this->pattern = pattern; } void IndexSyncer::sync() { this->stopToken.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); FileSaver saver(*this->dbService); QVector<FileData> files; int offset = 0; int limit = 10000; unsigned int processedRows = dbService->getFiles(files, pattern, offset, limit); unsigned int totalUpdatesFilesCount = 0; unsigned int totalDeletedFilesCount = 0; unsigned int totalErroredFilesCount = 0; while(processedRows > 0) { QVector<QString> filePathsToUpdate; for(FileData &fileData : files) { if(processedRows % 100 == 0 && this->stopToken.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { emit finished(totalUpdatesFilesCount, totalDeletedFilesCount, totalErroredFilesCount); return; } if(Common::isMountPath(fileData.absPath)) { continue; } QFileInfo fileInfo(fileData.absPath); if(fileInfo.exists()) { if(fileInfo.isFile()) { if(fileInfo.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch() != fileData.mtime) { if(!dryRun) { filePathsToUpdate.append(fileData.absPath); } else { emit updatedDryRun(fileData.absPath); } } } } else { if(this->removeDeletedFromIndex) { if(!dryRun) { if(!this->dbService->deleteFile(fileData.absPath)) { emit error("Error: Failed to delete " + fileData.absPath + " from the index"); if(!this->keepGoing) { emit finished(totalUpdatesFilesCount, totalDeletedFilesCount, totalErroredFilesCount); return; } } emit removed(fileData.absPath); ++totalDeletedFilesCount; } else { emit removedDryRun(fileData.absPath); } } } } unsigned int updatedFilesCount = saver.updateFiles(filePathsToUpdate, keepGoing, verbose); unsigned int shouldHaveUpdatedCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(filePathsToUpdate.size()); if(updatedFilesCount != shouldHaveUpdatedCount) { totalErroredFilesCount += (shouldHaveUpdatedCount - updatedFilesCount); if(!keepGoing) { QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to update all files selected for updating in this batch. Updated") + updatedFilesCount + "out of" + shouldHaveUpdatedCount + "selected for updating"; emit error(errorMsg); emit finished(totalUpdatesFilesCount, totalDeletedFilesCount, totalErroredFilesCount); } } offset += limit; files.clear(); totalUpdatesFilesCount += updatedFilesCount; processedRows = this->dbService->getFiles(files, pattern, offset, limit); } emit finished(totalUpdatesFilesCount, totalDeletedFilesCount, totalErroredFilesCount); } void IndexSyncer::cancel() { this->stopToken.store(true, std::memory_order_seq_cst); }