#include <QCommandLineParser> #include "commandlist.h" #include "databasefactory.h" #include "logger.h" int CommandList::handle(QStringList arguments) { QCommandLineParser parser; parser.addOptions({ {{"r", "reverse"}, "Print most-recent changed files first"}, {{"c", "count"}, "Counts the number of paths listed"}, {"pattern", "Only list files from index matching the pattern, e. g. */.git/*", "pattern"}, }); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addPositionalArgument("list", "Lists paths in the index", "list [options]"); parser.process(arguments); bool reverse = parser.isSet("reverse"); if(reverse) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Reverse option to be implemented"); } QStringList files = parser.positionalArguments(); QString queryStrings = files.join(' '); auto results = dbService->search(LooqsQuery::build(queryStrings, TokenType::FILTER_PATH_CONTAINS, false)); for(SearchResult &result : results) { Logger::info() << result.fileData.absPath << Qt::endl; } return 0; }