#!/usr/bin/python3 import sqlite3 import os.path import sys import subprocess import zipfile import xml.etree.ElementTree import re import chardet import config dbcon = sqlite3.connect(config.DBPATH, isolation_level=None) class pagedata: page = 0 content = "" def singlepagelist(content): result = pagedata() result.content = content result.page = 0 l = list(); l.append(result) return l def striptags(content): result = "" try: result = ''.join(xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(content).itertext()) except: #TODO: test
test2 will make it testtest2 not test test2 result = re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', content) return result def strip_irrelevant(content): result = content.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") result = re.sub(' +', ' ', result) return result; def pdf_pagecount(path): cmd = "pdfinfo " + path + " | grep Pages | awk '{print $2}'" stdout,stderr = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() result = int(stdout) return result def process_pdf(path): result = list() args=["pdftotext", path, "-"] stdout,stderr = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() content = strip_irrelevant(stdout.decode('utf-8')) #it is faster to do it like this than to call pdfottext for each page splitted = content.split("\f") count=1 for page in splitted: data = pagedata() data.page = count data.content = page result.append(data) count += 1 #TODO: current hack, so we can fts search several words over the whole document #this of course uses more space, but in the end that's not a big problem #Nevertheless, this remains a hack everything = pagedata() everything.page = 0 everything.content = content.replace("\f", "") result.append(everything) return result def process_odt(path): fd = zipfile.ZipFile(path) content = fd.read("content.xml").decode("utf-8") fd.close() return singlepagelist(striptags(content)) def readtext(path): fd = open(path, "rb") content = fd.read() fd.close() result="" try: result = str(content.decode("utf-8")) except: try: encoding = chardet.detect(content)["encoding"]; if encoding == None: result = "" else: result = str(content.decode(encoding)) except: print("FAILE DECODING: " + path) result = "" return result def process_striptags(path): content = readtext(path) return singlepagelist(striptags(content)) def process_text(path): return singlepagelist(readtext(path)) def process_nothing(path): return list() def exists(abspath, mtime): cursor = dbcon.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM file WHERE path = ? AND mtime = ?" , (abspath, mtime)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result != None and result[0] == 1: return True return False def insert(path, cursor): print("processing", path) abspath=os.path.abspath(path) mtime = int(os.stat(abspath).st_mtime) if exists(abspath, mtime): print("Leaving alone " + abspath + " because it wasn't changed") return basename=os.path.basename(abspath) ext = os.path.splitext(abspath)[1] content="" processor=process_nothing if ext in preprocess: processor=preprocess[ext] pagedatalist = processor(abspath) cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION") cursor.execute("DELETE FROM file WHERE path = ?", (abspath,)) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO file(path, mtime) VALUES(?, ?) ", (abspath, mtime)) fileid=cursor.lastrowid for pagedata in pagedatalist: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO content(fileid, page, content) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (fileid, pagedata.page, pagedata.content)) cursor.execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION") preprocess={".pdf":process_pdf, ".odt":process_odt, ".html":process_striptags, ".xml":process_nothing, ".txt":process_text, ".sql":process_text, ".c":process_text, ".cpp":process_text, ".js":process_text, ".java":process_text, ".py":process_text, '.md':process_text} cursor = dbcon.cursor() if len(sys.argv) < 2: for line in sys.stdin: insert(line.replace("\n", ""), cursor) else: for inputfile in sys.argv[1:]: insert(inputfile, cursor) dbcon.close()