#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "looqsgeneralexception.h" #include "common.h" #include "dbmigrator.h" #include "databasefactory.h" #include "logger.h" inline void initResources() { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(migrations); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(plaintexts); } bool Common::initSqliteDatabase(QString path) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(path); if(!db.open()) { qDebug() << "failed to open database: " << path; return false; } initResources(); DBMigrator migrator{db}; migrator.performMigrations(); db.close(); return true; } void Common::setPdfViewer() { QString value; /* TODO: well, we should query this probably from xdg*/ QString okularPath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("okular"); QString evincePath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("evince"); QString qpdfviewPath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("qpdfview"); if(okularPath != "") { value = okularPath + " %f -p %p"; } else if(evincePath != "") { value = evincePath + " -i %p %f"; } else if(qpdfviewPath != "") { value = qpdfviewPath + " %f#%p"; } if(value != "") { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(SETTINGS_KEY_PDFVIEWER, value); } } void Common::ensureConfigured() { QSettings settings; QString dbpath = databasePath(); if(dbpath == "") { dbpath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation); QDir dir; if(!dir.exists(dbpath)) { if(!dir.mkpath(dbpath)) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Failed to create dbpath directory"); } } dbpath += "/looqs.sqlite"; } if(!QFile::exists(dbpath)) { if(!initSqliteDatabase(dbpath)) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Failed to initialize sqlite database"); } settings.setValue(SETTINGS_KEY_DBPATH, dbpath); } DatabaseFactory factory{dbpath}; auto db = factory.forCurrentThread(); DBMigrator migrator{db}; if(migrator.migrationNeeded()) { QFile out; out.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly); Logger migrationLogger{&out}; migrationLogger << "Database is being upgraded, please be patient..." << Qt::endl; QObject::connect(&migrator, &DBMigrator::migrationDone, [&migrationLogger](uint32_t migration) { migrationLogger << "Progress: Successfully migrated to: " << migration << Qt::endl; }); migrator.performMigrations(); migrationLogger << "Database upgraded successfully" << Qt::endl; } QVariant pdfViewer = settings.value(SETTINGS_KEY_PDFVIEWER); if(!pdfViewer.isValid()) { setPdfViewer(); } } void Common::setupAppInfo() { QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("quitesimple.org"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("quitesimple.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("looqs"); } QString Common::databasePath() { QString env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("LOOQS_DB_OVERRIDE"); if(env == "") { QSettings settings; return settings.value(SETTINGS_KEY_DBPATH).toString(); } return env; } bool Common::noSandboxModeRequested() { QString env = getenv("LOOQS_DISABLE_SANDBOX"); if(env == "1") { return true; } return false; } QString Common::ipcSocketPath() { return "/tmp/.looqs/looqs-ipc-socket"; /* May not a good idea to set it in the settings and probably nobody would ever bother to change it anyway */ // QSettings settings; // return settings.value(SETTINGS_KEY_IPCSOCKETPATH, "/tmp/.looqs/looqs-ipc-socket").toString(); } QStringList Common::excludedPaths() { static int ran = false; static QStringList excludedPaths; if(!ran) { QSettings settings; QStringList defaults{"/proc", "/sys", "/dev", "/tmp", "/var/run", "/run"}; excludedPaths = settings.value(SETTINGS_KEY_EXCLUDEDPATHS, defaults).toStringList(); ran = true; } return excludedPaths; } QStringList Common::mountPaths() { static int ran = false; static QStringList mountPaths; if(!ran) { QSettings settings; mountPaths = settings.value(SETTINGS_KEY_MOUNTPATHS, QStringList{"/media", "/mnt"}).toStringList(); ran = true; } return mountPaths; } bool Common::isMountPath(QString path) { QStringList mountPaths = Common::mountPaths(); for(QString &mountPath : mountPaths) { if(path.startsWith(mountPath)) { return true; } } return false; } bool Common::isTextFile(QFileInfo fileInfo) { /* TODO: This is not sandboxed yet ... */ QMimeDatabase mimeDatabase; QMimeType mimeType = mimeDatabase.mimeTypeForFile(fileInfo); if(mimeType.name().startsWith("text/")) { return true; } else { for(QString &str : mimeType.allAncestors()) { if(str.startsWith("text/")) { return true; } } } return false; } QString Common::versionText() { QString commitid = GIT_COMMIT_ID; QString tag = GIT_TAG; return tag + " (" + commitid + ") built " + __DATE__ + " " + __TIME__; } QString Common::userManualUrl() { return QString("https://github.com/quitesimpleorg/looqs/blob/%1/USAGE.md").arg(QString(GIT_COMMIT_ID)); }