#include #include #include #include "previewgeneratorpdf.h" static QMutex cacheMutex; Poppler::Document *PreviewGeneratorPdf::document(QString path) { if(documentcache.contains(path)) { return documentcache.value(path); } Poppler::Document *result = Poppler::Document::load(path); if(result == nullptr) { // TODO: some kind of user feedback would be nice return nullptr; } result->setRenderHint(Poppler::Document::TextAntialiasing); QMutexLocker locker(&cacheMutex); documentcache.insert(path, result); locker.unlock(); return result; } QSharedPointer PreviewGeneratorPdf::generate(RenderConfig config, QString documentPath, unsigned int page) { PreviewResultPdf *result = new PreviewResultPdf(documentPath, page); Poppler::Document *doc = document(documentPath); if(doc == nullptr) { return QSharedPointer(result); } if(doc->isLocked()) { return QSharedPointer(result); } int p = (int)page - 1; if(p < 0) { p = 0; } Poppler::Page *pdfPage = doc->page(p); QImage img = pdfPage->renderToImage(config.scaleX, config.scaleY); for(QString &word : config.wordsToHighlight) { QList rects = pdfPage->search(word, Poppler::Page::SearchFlag::IgnoreCase | Poppler::Page::SearchFlag::WholeWords); if(rects.empty()) { rects = pdfPage->search(word, Poppler::Page::SearchFlag::IgnoreCase); } for(QRectF &rect : rects) { QPainter painter(&img); painter.scale(config.scaleX / 72.0, config.scaleY / 72.0); painter.fillRect(rect, QColor(255, 255, 0, 64)); } } result->previewImage = img; return QSharedPointer(result); }