#include <QSqlQuery> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QDateTime> #include <QSqlError> #include "sqlitedbservice.h" #include "filedata.h" #include "logger.h" bool SqliteDbService::fileExistsInDatabase(QString path, qint64 mtime) { auto query = QSqlQuery(dbFactory->forCurrentThread()); query.prepare("SELECT 1 FROM file WHERE path = ? and mtime = ?"); query.addBindValue(path); query.addBindValue(mtime); if(!query.exec()) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Error while trying to query for file existance: " + query.lastError().text()); } if(!query.next()) { return false; } return query.value(0).toBool(); } QVector<SearchResult> SqliteDbService::search(const LooqsQuery &query) { auto connection = dbFactory->forCurrentThread(); SqliteSearch searcher(connection); return searcher.search(query); } bool SqliteDbService::fileExistsInDatabase(QString path) { auto query = QSqlQuery(dbFactory->forCurrentThread()); query.prepare("SELECT 1 FROM file WHERE path = ?"); query.addBindValue(path); if(!query.exec()) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Error while trying to query for file existance: " + query.lastError().text()); } if(!query.next()) { return false; } return query.value(0).toBool(); } SqliteDbService::SqliteDbService(DatabaseFactory &dbFactory) { this->dbFactory = &dbFactory; } bool SqliteDbService::deleteFile(QString path) { QSqlQuery query(this->dbFactory->forCurrentThread()); query.prepare("DELETE FROM file WHERE path = ?"); query.addBindValue(path); bool result = query.exec(); if(!result) { Logger::error() << "Failed to delete file" << path << Qt::endl; } return result; } unsigned int SqliteDbService::getFiles(QVector<FileData> &results, QString wildCardPattern, int offset, int limit) { unsigned int processedRows = 0; // TODO: translate/convert wildCardPattern to SQL where instead of regex QString sql = "SELECT path, mtime, size, filetype FROM file"; if(limit != 0) { sql += " LIMIT " + QString::number(limit); } if(offset != 0) { sql += " OFFSET " + QString::number(offset); } auto query = QSqlQuery(dbFactory->forCurrentThread()); query.prepare(sql); query.setForwardOnly(true); if(!query.exec()) { throw LooqsGeneralException("Error while trying to retrieve files from database: " + query.lastError().text()); } // TODO: port this to QRegularExpression once >5.12 gets more widespread because of this bug // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72539?focusedCommentId=439053&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel bool usePattern = !wildCardPattern.isEmpty(); QRegExp regexPattern(wildCardPattern); regexPattern.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::PatternSyntax::WildcardUnix); while(query.next()) { QString absPath = query.value(0).toString(); if(!usePattern || regexPattern.exactMatch(absPath)) { FileData current; current.absPath = absPath; current.mtime = query.value(1).toInt(); current.size = query.value(2).toInt(); current.filetype = query.value(3).toChar(); results.append(current); } ++processedRows; } return processedRows; } SaveFileResult SqliteDbService::saveFile(QFileInfo fileInfo, QVector<PageData> &pageData) { QString absPath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); auto mtime = fileInfo.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch(); QChar fileType = fileInfo.isDir() ? 'd' : 'f'; QSqlDatabase db = dbFactory->forCurrentThread(); QSqlQuery delQuery(db); delQuery.prepare("DELETE FROM file WHERE path = ?"); delQuery.addBindValue(absPath); QSqlQuery inserterQuery(db); inserterQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO file(path, mtime, size, filetype) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); inserterQuery.addBindValue(absPath); inserterQuery.addBindValue(mtime); inserterQuery.addBindValue(fileInfo.size()); inserterQuery.addBindValue(fileType); if(!db.transaction()) { Logger::error() << "Failed to open transaction for " << absPath << " : " << db.lastError() << Qt::endl; return DBFAIL; } if(!delQuery.exec()) { Logger::error() << "Failed DELETE query" << delQuery.lastError() << Qt::endl; db.rollback(); return DBFAIL; } if(!inserterQuery.exec()) { Logger::error() << "Failed INSERT query" << inserterQuery.lastError() << Qt::endl; db.rollback(); return DBFAIL; } int lastid = inserterQuery.lastInsertId().toInt(); for(const PageData &data : pageData) { QSqlQuery contentQuery(db); contentQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO content(fileid, page, content) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); contentQuery.addBindValue(lastid); contentQuery.addBindValue(data.pagenumber); contentQuery.addBindValue(data.content); if(!contentQuery.exec()) { db.rollback(); Logger::error() << "Failed content insertion " << contentQuery.lastError() << Qt::endl; return DBFAIL; } } if(!db.commit()) { db.rollback(); Logger::error() << "Failed to commit transaction for " << absPath << " : " << db.lastError() << Qt::endl; return DBFAIL; } return OK; }