#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sqlitesearch.h" #include "qssgeneralexception.h" SqliteSearch::SqliteSearch(QSqlDatabase &db) { this->db = &db; } QVector SqliteSearch::tokenize(QString expression) { if(!checkParanthesis(expression)) { throw QSSGeneralException("Invalid paranthesis"); } //TODO: merge lonewords QVector result; QRegularExpression rx("((?(\\.|\\w)+):(?\\((?[^\\)]+)\\)|(\\w)+)|(?AND|OR|!)|(?\\(|\\))|(?\\w+))"); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = rx.globalMatch(expression); bool wasbool = true; while(i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = i.next(); QString boolean = m.captured("boolean"); QString filtername = m.captured("filtername"); QString bracket = m.captured("bracket"); QString loneword = m.captured("loneword"); if(boolean != "") { wasbool = true; result.append(Token(boolean)); } if(bracket != "") { if(!wasbool) { if(bracket == "(") { result.append(Token("AND")); } } result.append(Token(bracket)); } if(loneword != "") { if(!wasbool) { result.append(Token("AND")); } wasbool = false; result.append(Token("path.contains", loneword)); } if(filtername != "") { if(!wasbool) { result.append(Token("AND")); } wasbool = false; QString value = m.captured("innerargs"); if(value == "") { value = m.captured("args"); } result.append(Token(filtername, value)); } } return result; } QString SqliteSearch::fieldToColumn(QString field) { if(field == "mtime" || field == "file.mtime") { return "file.mtime"; } else if(field == "page" || field == "content.page") { return "content.page"; } else if(field == "path" || field == "file.path") { return "file.path"; } else if(field == "size" || field == "file.size") { return "file.size"; } return ""; } QString SqliteSearch::createSortSql(const SqliteSearch::Token &token) { //sort:(mtime desc, page asc) if(token.key == "sort") { QString sortsql = " ORDER BY "; QStringList splitted_inner = token.value.split(","); for(int i = 0; i < splitted_inner.length(); i++) { QStringList splitted = splitted_inner[i].split(" "); if(splitted.length() == 2) { QString field = splitted[0]; QString order = splitted[1]; if(order.compare("asc", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { order = "ASC"; } else if(order.compare("desc", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { order = "DESC"; } else { throw QSSGeneralException("Unknown order specifier: " + order); } field = fieldToColumn(field); if(field == "") { throw QSSGeneralException("Unknown field:" + field); } sortsql += field + " " + order; if(splitted_inner.length() - i > 1) { sortsql += ", "; } } else if(splitted.length() == 1) { sortsql += splitted[0] + " ASC "; } else { throw QSSGeneralException("sort specifier must have format [field] (asc|desc)"); } } return sortsql; } return ""; } QPair> SqliteSearch::createSql(const SqliteSearch::Token &token) { QPair> result; QString key = token.key; QString value = token.value; value = value.replace("'", "\\'"); if(key == "AND" || key == "OR" || key == "(" || key == ")") { return { " " + key + " ", QVector() }; } if(key == "!") { return { " NOT ", QVector() }; } if(key == "path.starts") { return { " file.path LIKE ? || '%' ", { value } }; } if(key == "path.ends") { return { " file.path LIKE '%' || ? ", { value } }; } if(key == "path.contains" || key == "inpath") { return { " file.path LIKE '%' || ? || '%' ", { value } } ; } if(key == "page") { return { " content.page = ?", { value } }; } if(key == "contains" || key == "c") { return { " content.id IN (SELECT content_fts.ROWID FROM content_fts WHERE content_fts.content MATCH ?) " , { value } }; } throw QSSGeneralException("Unknown token: " + key); } QSqlQuery SqliteSearch::makeSqlQuery(const QVector &tokens) { QString whereSql; QString sortSql; QString limitSql; QVector bindValues; bool isContentSearch = false; for(const Token &c : tokens) { if(c.key == "sort") { if(sortSql != "") { throw QSSGeneralException("Invalid input: Two seperate sort statements are invalid"); } sortSql = createSortSql(c); } else { if(c.key == "c" || c.key == "contains") { isContentSearch = true; } auto sql = createSql(c); whereSql += sql.first; bindValues.append(sql.second); } } QString prepSql; if(isContentSearch) { prepSql = "SELECT file.path AS path, group_concat(content.page) AS pages, file.mtime AS mtime, file.size AS size, file.filetype AS filetype FROM file INNER JOIN content ON file.id = content.fileid WHERE 1=1 AND " + whereSql + " " + sortSql + " GROUP BY file.path"; } else { prepSql = "SELECT file.path AS path, '0' as pages, file.mtime AS mtime, file.size AS size, file.filetype AS filetype FROM file WHERE 1=1 AND " + whereSql + " " + sortSql; } QSqlQuery dbquery(*db); dbquery.prepare(prepSql); for(const QString &value : bindValues) { if(value != "") { dbquery.addBindValue(value); } } return dbquery; } QVector SqliteSearch::search(const QString &query) { QVector results; QSqlQuery dbQuery = makeSqlQuery(tokenize(query)); bool success = dbQuery.exec(); if(!success) { qDebug() << dbQuery.lastError(); throw QSSGeneralException("SQL Error: " + dbQuery.lastError().text()); } while(dbQuery.next()) { SearchResult result; result.fileData.absPath = dbQuery.value("path").toString(); result.fileData.mtime = dbQuery.value("mtime").toUInt(); result.fileData.size = dbQuery.value("size").toUInt(); result.fileData.filetype = dbQuery.value("filetype").toChar(); QString pages = dbQuery.value("pages").toString(); QStringList pagesList = pages.split(","); for(QString &page : pagesList) { if(page != "") { result.pages.append(page.toUInt()); } } results.append(result); } return results; } bool SqliteSearch::checkParanthesis(QString expression) { QStack open; QStack close; for(QChar &c : expression) { if(c == '(') { open.push(c); } if(c == ')') { close.push(c); } } if(open.size() != close.size()) { return false; } while(!open.empty() && !close.empty()) { QChar o = open.pop(); QChar c = close.pop(); if(o != '(' && c != ')' ) { return false; } } return true; }