# hs9001 hs90001 (history search 9001) is an easy, quite simple bash history enhancement. It simply writes all your bash commands into an sqlite database. You can then search this database. ## Setup ``` go build #move hs9001 to a PATH location # Initialize database hs9001 init ```` Add this to .bashrc ``` if [ -n "$PS1" ] ; then PROMPT_COMMAND='hs9001 add "$(history 1)"' fi ``` By default, every system user gets his own database. You can override this by overriding the environment variable for all users that should write to your unified database. ``` export HS9001_DB_PATH="/home/db/history.sqlite" ``` ## Usage ### Search ``` hs9001 search "term" ``` It is recommended to create an alias for search to make life easier, e. g.: ``` alias searchh='hs9001 search' ```